Saturday, 23 May 2009

Punk's not dead

It was a bit smokey backstage, although this was to be expected - the UK Subs are law-defying punk legends. Twenty-three seconds later, and the smoke was quite clearly emanating from the kettle in the corner of the room, as opposed to the initially suspected freshly-opened packet of Silk Cut or some form of illicitly anarchic substance.
They quite liked their tea (milk, two sugars) and even ventured outwards for some Peking Duck at one point.

Four of the nicest and most talkative people I've ever had the privilege of sharing a stage with. Charlie even congratulated us personally and took some photos of our set! We must have stood chatting for a good half hour afterwards - plenty had happened on their current tour, and he and Alvin were more than happy to share.

A truly enjoyable evening which brought with it some fascinating people.
Meeting those who genuinely have their own stories to tell is one of the most rewarding experiences on Earth.

Monday, 11 May 2009

On the move

Happy day. I appear to have mobile dashboard access, which means I can now blog from anywhere that isn't a tunnel or Lulworth Cove.

These words come courtesy of an LG KC550 which limits the amount of characters I can donate before the GPRS demons begin gorging themselves on my credit balance. So no replication of petitions, legal documents, or Holy scriptures then (sorry).
It's also purely text-based, meaning anything of remote visual interest will have to wait until I can reunite my laptop with a WIFI hotspot. I don't actually have anything that you might want to look at for now though, so it's worked out quite nicely really.

Onwards and upwards.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Furnish it with love

My new online home is looking a bit cosier now. I've settled in quite nicely and have even given a lick of Dulux to that really annoying apple-shaped woodchip on the wall.

I managed to spend today laying down three drum tracks for a new EP. As with all things that are worth doing properly, it took a little longer than expected meaning acoustic and piano are saved for another day.
Here is some screen-grabbed evidence:

I could say something a bit profound like I left the snare track the default grey colour because it aids my creativity or "Rick Rubin does it". Actually, Cubase performed an illegal operation, terminating itself immediately; I went to find a Kellogg's™ Nutri-Grain bar (blueberry) and then I forgot.

Lovely weather this afternoon as well. I walked to the end of my road, posted a letter and heard the birds in the trees.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

And we're off...

How lucky am I?!
I just clicked a few buttons and now I can publish typed stuff. This is going to be so much fun.

Thanks for stopping by anyway.

Here is a thought for the hour...
"If Jono and Char wanted a true taste of life as a seal and a penguin, this is about as authentic as it gets".
Thanks BBC3.