Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Cream of Tomato Sloop

Mammoth recording sessions are the best.
Especially when a less-than-favourable guitar tone can be fixed with a single tilt of a mic. And the mammoth is woolly.

Although next time Marshall are compiling a product manual, perhaps they could make mention of their amplifiers' tendency to begin receiving local radio transmissions during an otherwise perfect solo take. Irate engineers and guitarists will always ensue.
Still, 2CR FM's "Better Music Mix" soothes even the savage beast. Even if it is called 'Heart' now.

We are half-way through the 'Open Mic Tour', stopping off last night at The Sloop for another jovial acoustic sing-song.
Unfortunately, Health and Safety dictates a restriction on campfires and marshmallow-toasting (something to do with roaring naked flames, alcohol, and wooden-style buildings with walls and a ceiling I think they said)
Only a few more dates to go and I still need the lyric sheet for 'Run' by Snow Patrol.
We nearly had t-shirts printed although not enough people really cared in the end.

My Dad has just walked in with another newly-traded guitar.
Instruments under our roof have a higher rate of turnover than the Labour cabinet.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Only one June-based post then (sorry about that...)

These laptop keys are currrently being depressed by quite blistered fingers (as in, the keys are having pressure applied to their surface - rather than being made to feel very sad by the fingers).

This isn't to say that the keys don't also feel very sad at the same time - this could be a potential side-effect of the pressure being felt upon their surface - although I haven't yet managed to ask them and find out, so it's pure speculation at this point really.
I like to clarify things.

Yesterday evening I was fortunate enough to play alongside Sham 69 so the blistering is very much drumming-induced. Great show, and once the initial equipment issues were resolved the night ran relatively smoothly.
Always be cautious of venue managers who have handed in their notice.

Opposite my chair sits a window with a big grey cloud in it; I'm sifting through a large pile of demos I've been sent for a festival while the trees thrash around violently outside - looks like the one in the middle has the manliest branches, he's just hit the two baby conifers either side so they know who's in charge.
Time to see if Mike Oldfield has anything new to teach my ears I think. As unrelated as these two scenarios are.